SEO Tools


The hreflang Tags Generator Tool

Generate the hreflang tags for your multi-language or multi-country site easily and fast! This tool wil help you to generate the hreflang tags patterns to use in the different language and country versions of your pages, using the correct values and syntax following Google's specifications, with ISO 639-1 for languages and ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 for countries.

If you have doubts about how hreflang tags work take a look first at:

Do you now know why hreflang are important and how they work? It's time to include them in your Website!

Generate the hreflang tags now:

To generate the hreflang annotations, you can either add the URLs to tag in the form below, or upload them through a CSV with only one column (to include the URLs) with a maximum of 50 URLs:

Do you need help with International SEO?

I can provide SEO consulting. Get in touch with me here.